Monday, December 6, 2010


So I'm sitting there, right, just sitting, y'know, and then this big bear comes out and... oh! Hello. Didn't see you there. I see you're reading this blog. Good on you. It's a very interesting blog for sure. This whole deal started a long time ago, perhaps three or some years ago. I say three or some years ago because if things happen for a reason, then this could be interpreted as I dated Kate, ergo had a child. I dunno. But I made the choice to pursue a romantic relationship with Katelyn, and maybe that's where it all started. I know that I wouldn't change anything if I were given the chance to do so. This whole experience has made me who I am today, so if I were to change things, I would change me, and I don't want to do that. Anyway, once Kate told me she was spaghetti sauce (Prego, get it? It's a joke ha ha), a lot of things were going through my mind. One was "Oh bonkers, I'm dead." Another one was the fact that even though I was super surprised, I wasn't surprised at all. After all, as someone so bluntly put it to me, we were like rabbits. And if you don't understand that, then Google rabbits and their reproduction habits. Just don't search on Google images. That could be bad. Anyway, I was quite... perturbed to say the least. I guess it was the fact that I didn't want this to happen to me, beecause it was supposed to happen to other people, but I knew that we were really asking for it. That fact didn't make it any more palatable. I blew (mostly) everything way out of proportion. I was convinced that I would get excommunicated from my home, that the sky was gonna fall, that this was gonna happen, that blah blah blah. I wasn't sure if I wanted a baby when I was married. I definatly didn't want a baby now, of all times. What to do. I guess you'll find out more later, now that I can hAkkz0rz this account when I wants. =D Check you later.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Finding out

Who knew that I, Kate... would become pregant at only 15. I was scared, so worried.. I didnt know what to do or what would happen. I was only a child still in school attenting grade 10. I had full support of my family when i told them. Of course my mom cried and my dad swore, My brother hugged me and told me it was going to be okay. My boyfriend stayed by my side which, to this day i am very gratful for. Of couse being so young i had many things to consider, Should i have an abortion so i could just go on with my life like nothing happened? Should i keep the baby like i so despratly wanted and try to give it the best life possible while i tired to get my education? ... or should i give it to a couple that deserved a baby... that could take care if it, love it, support it? ... I had a hard decison to make, an adult decision that only i, a fifteen year old girl could make....