Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hi there...

This is the first of many posts chronicling the life of our beautiful 17 month old daughter "Muggie." Now I know every parent feels their child is special (and we're no exception), but Muggie was an unexpected blessing bestowed on my husband and I after years of trying to conceive. We were four months into the waiting period for a referral from Ethiopia when I received an email from an unknown sender with the subject line, "adoption." I opened the email expecting to read another supportive message from a well-wisher who came across our Ethiopian adoption blog when, much to my surprise and disbelief, I noticed the phrases "my teenage daughter is pregnant," "would you like to be considered to be the parents?,"due at the end of June." I couldn't believe my eyes. Was I reading this right? Was this a joke or perhaps some spam email desperate couples receive as soon as they begin to publicly announce their intention to adopt? All of that negative thinking went out the window in a matter of seconds as I enthusiastically clicked on the reply button. With my heart pounding in my ears I managed to type the words, "yes, I'm crying right now." Then I clicked send and thought, "I guess I should have talked to Dave first." I then had to rush to a work meeting (did I mention I was at work?). I called Dave after my meeting, asked him if he was sitting down and then proceeded to relay the exciting events of my afternoon. Dave's response, "silence...." Then, "are you sure you read it right?" We agreed to talk more about it at home, and of course we agreed to be among the prospective parents to a baby girl due in just two months. And so began our journey to become Muggie's parents. Stay tuned to see how it all unfolded and to read how Katelyn and Jon felt during this process.

Kristen ;)

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